“Black Mirror” Creator Promises a More Optimistic Season 5

We can always count on Black Mirror to crush our souls and break our hearts… Or can we? According to Charlie Brooker, the creator of the show, the dark series is about to become much more optimistic during season 5.

The hit anthology show often offers a pretty bleak look on the world since it explores what can happen when humanity’s greatest innovations and darkest instincts collide.

After four pretty gloomy seasons, Brooker finally came to the conclusion that technology isn’t THAT bad and decided to surprise us with more optimistic episodes this time around.

Brooker went on the record saying his team won’t solely focus on dystopian and negative stories in season 5, because they’re trying to keep the show interesting for everyone.

They recently embarked on the most exciting journey they ever went on, with interactive standalone movie Bandersnatch that has the potential to change the TV landscape forever.

No matter which path you chose while watching this ground-breaking project, there’s no happy ending in sight, but some of the previous episodes offered us with one. San Junipero and Hang the DJ come to mind, and so does the Emmy-winning Star Trek spoof a USS Callister.