Public Asked to ‘Romaine Calm’ Following $45K Lettuce Theft

Ontario, Canada – Hamilton Police are using a few puns in hopes of drawing public attention to a massive lettuce heist in the city: A truck and its trailer full of Romaine lettuce was stolen a few days ago, and investigators have made a plea to the public: “Lettuce know if you have any tips”.

According to police reports, the haul containing $45,000 worth of lettuce was taken sometime between 8 p.m. on March 31 and 4 p.m. on April 1. In a statement released yesterday (Tuesday), they implore the public to “romaine calm”.

Investigations uncovered that the stolen truck was originally driven to Toronto, where it was abandoned, and only the trailor and its leafy treasure is still missing. The Ontario license plate attached to the trailer is P9002D.

On Twitter they implore citizens to give them any info they might have: