Netflix is Experimenting With a Shuffle Option

Can’t decide which Friends episode to rewatch for the millionth time? No problem!

Netflix has confirmed that it is working on a new feature that will help indecisive viewers choose which episode to watch. 

According to Deadline, the streaming giant is working on a feature that would randomly select an episode of certain shows for immediate viewing. The new feature appears in two ways: a dedicated “Play a Popular Episode” column on the app’s home screen and a “random episode” button in the playback controls once you’ve started watching a series. 

The feature, very much like shuffle play for music playlists, will choose an episode for you when you’re not looking to watch a certain episode in particular.

The news was confirmed to Deadline in a statement. “We are testing the ability for members to play a random episode from different TV series on the Android mobile app. These tests typically vary in length of time and by region, and may not become permanent.”

According to the outlet, Netflix is conducting a very limited test of the new feature is only available to some users of its Android app, and was first noticed by the Android Police, which monitors Netflix developments on Android devices.